Moving to a new home can be an exciting but also overwhelming experience. Packing up your belongings and transporting them to a new location can be a daunting task, but there are some simple tips that can make the process smoother and less stressful. Having recently gone through a move myself, I have some great reminders if you're about to do the same.
With so many deliveries happening these days, it's likely you have a stack of cardboard boxes lying around your home. Recycle those Amazon boxes and put them to good use for your move. They're great for packing books or stacking dishes with light foam layers in-between.
Additionally, take advantage of free resources in your community. Many liquor stores, such as ABC stores, give away boxes daily. You can also ask for boxes on your neighborhood social media or NextDoor app. And don't forget to ask if they'll let you have a few cardboard dividers that are perfect for packing glassware. Remember, if you're not getting deliveries, your neighbors are.
No matter how quickly you intend to load and unpack boxes, it's important to pack a bag with enough that you can live out of for a few days. This bag should contain your essential items such as toiletries, several changes of clothes, and any medications you may need. This way, you won't have to search through all of your boxes to find what you need. Label boxes with the room they'll go in, but also jot down a few important items that may be needed quickly, like a can opener for your toddler's favorite canned food.
It's important to give yourself enough time to pack and transport all of your belongings. Rent your U-haul for a day longer than you think you'll need it. It's worth the extra $40 or so to not rush back in the dark, exhausted. Additionally, don't be afraid to ask for help. Many people are willing to lend a hand during a move, and it can make the process go much more quickly and smoothly.
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